First Time for Professional Photographs


Meet sweet and handsome little W. He came to me when he was around 5 months. This was his first professional photographs taken and I can only say by showing these that I know his parents were thrilled with what we got.

Little W was so sweet and easy going. I think he smiled most the time during our session.


His parents made some great choices for their print order and of this one they ordered a wall portrait in canvas. When I opened it up when it arrived from the lab it made me gasp as it was so gorgeous and showcased his pretty blue eyes. It was a perfect choice for a canvas print.


We are very close to the holidays. If you have not yet picked up your print order, call me (Anna-Karin 225-284-6354) to do so.

Me and my family have now been able to move back to our house that was damaged during the hurricane. However we are still in boxes and at this point only know where half our things are, but we are back home in time for the holiday and that is what matters. Anyway, we still don’t have internet access at the house. For what ever reason, it takes for ever to set up even though in this day and age of technology one would think it would be an easy transfer. As of now it looks like we should have internet by December 29th. That is at least what they are telling me as of now. So if you are waiting for online proofs or communication by e-mail, I am trying as fast as I can to get these to you, but without internet on a regular basis this is a bit tricky. So while you are waiting, I appreciate your patience during this transition when my family is moving back home to our house. Please call me instead, as of now I only have limited access to internet and checking e-mail.

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