Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet…..


Since we just had Halloween this past weekend. I thought I would post a couple of my own kids here. (Yea I am getting the hints from my family members that thinks it is time to post some of my kids and not always my clients on this blog……). So here they are. Right before we went trick or treating, I took our boys and their best friends to my studio for a quick photo session. We figured once they get hold of a little candy, it will be downhill from there on and about zero cooperation in the photo dept. My two were dressed up as Indiana Jones and had a great time.



I also think my friend Michelle, who is the mom to my kids best friends totally did a great job dressing up her self. She was the wicked witch from the west. Maybe next year I will pull my act together and dress up as well.


Anyway, I hope all of you had a great time with your kids and family. We sure did.


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