A Morning Session in the Park


I had a session in a park with this family. What a sweet and happy little boy B was. He enjoyed being outside and checking out the new environment. This included tasting some sticks and leaves. He was just like a typical boy, sticks and snails and puppy dog tails………..


Our session was early in the morning before the sun was to bright. This family had traveled for a while to come for a photo session with me. It was an honor to photograph their sweet little boy who turned one years old on the day of our session.

Mom and dad was very proud of their handsome little boy.


At this time, I have about a handful of available session slots available before the holiday cut off time. They are all on weekdays. Call me to set up your time to schedule a session with purpose to get beautiful portraits like these. (225) 284-6354 Anna-Karin’s Photography.


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