Baton Rouge Professional Photographer-Reflections

Today I want to share  some photographs about reflections. I am part of a group of professional photographers around the country. We are doing a blog carnival where we pick a theme and all post something related to that. This month’s theme is reflections. I instantly had a photograph in mind from my son when I just started out in photography. This was taken when he was playing at the children’s museum in New Orleans. This capture was not planned at all and he was just sitting right next to a mirror playing. This has been a treasured photograph of mine for years. It shows my sweet boy when little and also it was from my early stages in digital photography. I had a fun time going through my old personal images and finding “lost treasures” of photographs that I had forgot about.

I also have this lovely reflection image of a little client of mine. This was taken recently at this sweet little girls 2 yrs session at a local plantation. She loved seeing her self in the big mirror when she walked by. To our surprise she was making a pouty face when she saw her self. I so glad I caught that moment as it was totally unplanned and it really show cased one of her expressions at this age.

If you want to see how some of my other colleagues are interpreting this topic and to see some beautiful photography. Please visit the other photographers websites who is participating in this project. Here is Amanda whom I am linking to and she in turn will be linking to someone else in our group of professional photographers participating in this project.

Also please check out Lauri, who is next in line in the blog carnival after Amanda.


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