We Got Slammed By Gustav!

Well it has been a week since I last wrote and lots has happened since then. We really got slammed by Gustav. The whole Baton Rouge area is in rough shape and many areas still don’t have power and will not for maybe about three weeks or so. That is very rough considering the heat we do get down here at this time of the year and then no power or AC .


For us personally we did survive Gustav but our house did not do to well. Our neighbors tree crushed our roofs and a branch went through the bedroom window. It also came through the ceiling in our bathroom.
Then before long water was pouring in through the ceiling in all our bedrooms.


Our house is not habitable as of now and we had to evacuate. The pictures here were taken right after it happened and after it stopped raining. It has since gotten worse where the ceilings are falling in. Our insurance company is being very helpful and we just got an apt actually right next to my studio. We will be staying there while our house is renovated.We have been rather busy this past week trying to empty our house and see what can be saved from the damage. If you are waiting for either your photographs to go online or your print order to come in. I am working on that and hope to be able to tend to that asap. This recent hurricane situation has put me and my family’s normal  schedule a little bit off track for now.


If you are scheduled for a studio session in the near future we will go on as planned as my studio is just like normal with power as well. I am checking in with my on-location places to see how they fared the recent hurricane. Hopefully everything should be fine.

I still don’t have internet hooked up at our new place and am only able to check the internet temporarily right now. If you need to get hold of me please do call me as you will be able to get a faster response that way. My phone number is: Anna-Karin (225) 284-6354.

Thanks to all of you that has offered to help me and my family out. We are doing great and thanks to our friends we have been well fed and taken care of during this last week that was a little bit on the rough side for us. I hope that those of you that are local and reads my blog are ok? I would love for you to touch base with me and let me know how you  and your family did in the aftermath of this recent hurricane. Feel free to send me an e-mail and just let me know.

I am hoping that this is the only hurricane we will get this season (don’t know how wishful that thinking is……). Baton Rouge area is having a hard enough time cleaning up after this one!

Other than that we are in a great mood and happy to be together. Thankfully what broke at our house are just material things and those can be replaced.

Thanks again for all well wishes. We are doing great!

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