Hurricane Gustav

I was about due to blog about some clients but due to recent weather situation here in S. Louisiana I will blog about our current visitor hurricane Gustav.

It is now about 10.30am on Labor day and so far we still have power. The winds are picking up and it is raining. Still not bad , more like a bad rainy day.

The other day when my family and I were out preparing for this hurricane I brought along my camera to document what happens in situations like this. We had already filled up our cars, but wanted to fill up a spare container with gas in case we have a hard time finding gas post hurricane. It took some driving around for a long period of time to even find a gas station that had any gas left. Most gas stations looked just like this one. Sold out of gas, with plastic bags on the pump handles to let customers know.


In the grocery store isles certain items were totally sold out. Like bread and milk and egg. Here are a few from our neighborhood grocery store.




Just in our neighborhood we have some preparing for  the strong winds by taping their windows. This is in case the glass brake, it will then not shatter every where.


Last time when hurricane Katrina passed through here we were without power for four days. We are hoping that we will not loose power , or I should rather say that when we do that we dont loose it for as long of a time.

A fun little anecdote is that I woke up this morning by a phone call from a Swedish news television station wanting to interview me as a Swede in the hurricane region. That was fun and have since also been interviewed on the radio. I shared these images featured here with a national Swedish newspaper yesterday and was asked to include a photograph of me and family. So here we are yesterday preparing by cleaning up all of our outside stuff laying around. Here is me and the boys!


I will update blog as soon as I am able once this storm is passing through.

For my clients reading this, I am currently leaving your galleries online until this storm situation is over with. I would not want your images to expire before you have been able to make a final decision due to no electricity.

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