Handsome Little Fella


Here is sweet and handsome little B. I have photographed him since he was newborn. He is a member of my first year baby portrait plan. This was when he was around nine month old. This time we decided to have an outdoor session. He has gorgeous blue eyes that just sparkled even more while outside.


This sweet little boy has definitly been blessed with a head full of hair. Even from the start at his newborn appt he had more hair then most babies with the peach fuzz at that age. Now he looks so grown up all of a sudden!

We had a good session where he enjoyed the outdoors and probably would have wanted to stay at the park and play.


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Maternity Photo Session


Here is a beautiful pregnant lady I recently photographed. She was expecting her third baby and looked fantastic.Her daugther had just turned one so we also had some birthday photographs captured to document this very special time for their family.

Big brother also came along and I love this image where mom and brother is snuggling. Then little sister wanted to be part of the fun as well.


Little sister was quite sassy and knew what she wanted to do. Her she is showing us how she can get up on that bench by her self with no help. You go girl!


Dad also came along to the session. We had some fun getting images of the whole family together and then some of just mom and dad.


If you are expecting a little one and would like some portraits to document this special time. Contact me (Anna-Karin’s photography) to set up a a time for a maternity photo session.


For more information about my maternity package check out my FAQ section on my website. It is found under the information tab. To call and set up your time:(225) 284-6354 for Anna-Karin’s photography.

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A Morning Session in the Park


I had a session in a park with this family. What a sweet and happy little boy B was. He enjoyed being outside and checking out the new environment. This included tasting some sticks and leaves. He was just like a typical boy, sticks and snails and puppy dog tails………..


Our session was early in the morning before the sun was to bright. This family had traveled for a while to come for a photo session with me. It was an honor to photograph their sweet little boy who turned one years old on the day of our session.

Mom and dad was very proud of their handsome little boy.


At this time, I have about a handful of available session slots available before the holiday cut off time. They are all on weekdays. Call me to set up your time to schedule a session with purpose to get beautiful portraits like these. (225) 284-6354 Anna-Karin’s Photography.


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Only a Couple of Days Old


Here are a few from a recent newborn photo session. This family was so good and came to me when baby E was only a couple of days old. Mom was referred to me from some previous clients of mine, so she already knew that I like those babies in the first two weeks. I like babies of all ages, but when it comes to newborn sessions I prefer them in the first two weeks in order to capture those fresh and unique newborn moments that are only visible for a short period of time.


Another big reason is once baby turns two weeks old , many will get a case of baby acne. Some dont, but the majority do. It is a whole lot easier to photograph a baby with out that rash and the bumpy skin it creates. Also babies that are less then two weeks old are still very sleepy and willing to be put in position that makes for beautiful newborn portraits. With that said, I will still be happy to photograph your baby if you miss that precious newborn stage. However if you are planning ahead and would like some gorgeous newborn portraits like these. Then I suggest you contact me when you are still pregnant  and let me know you are expecting a newborn and want to scedule a session. This way we will not miss that special time. I tend to book about three to four weeks in advance. The age I prefer to photograph after the initial newborn session is between 4-7 month. Then the babies are able to hold their heads up and smile. Towards the six -seven month age, most of those babies can also sit up by them selves at that time.


I look forward to work with you. If you would like to set up a time for your newborn photo session contact Anna-Karin’s photography at (225)284-6354 .You can also send me an e-mail through the contact form on my website found at the top left side of this blog.I look forward to work with you and your new little baby.

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Beautiful Outdoor Family Photosession


I had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful family a little while ago. Little sister had just turned one and mom wanted both an outdoor session with brother and an indoor studio session for little sister by her self.



We started with an outdoor session at a plantation and a couple of days later a studio session.


We got so many great captures and both sessions were a hit. While we were at the studio for a session A’s little cousin stopped by to drop of a dress for her to wear in the photographs. While he was there we took advantage of getting one cousin image captured. It was so sweet and little cousin P just adored A and looked at her with such adoration in his eyes.


If you would like beautiful portraits like these of your children, contact me to set up a time for your session. Anna-Karin’s photography (225) 284-6354. I look forward to work with you.

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Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet…..


Since we just had Halloween this past weekend. I thought I would post a couple of my own kids here. (Yea I am getting the hints from my family members that thinks it is time to post some of my kids and not always my clients on this blog……). So here they are. Right before we went trick or treating, I took our boys and their best friends to my studio for a quick photo session. We figured once they get hold of a little candy, it will be downhill from there on and about zero cooperation in the photo dept. My two were dressed up as Indiana Jones and had a great time.



I also think my friend Michelle, who is the mom to my kids best friends totally did a great job dressing up her self. She was the wicked witch from the west. Maybe next year I will pull my act together and dress up as well.


Anyway, I hope all of you had a great time with your kids and family. We sure did.


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